Wednesday 1 May 2013

Ebbor Gorge.

This weekend my boyfriend and I were stuck on how to spend the day. The weather was beautiful so we wanted to make the most of it (especially considering the unpredictable nature of English weather!). In the end we decided to go for lunch in the lovely little city of Wells and then go for a walk in the nearby Ebbor Gorge.
After we had finished stuffing our faces in my favourite cafe, we set off to find the Gorge. The journey was short but so hilly. My poor metro suffered from the trip, having to go up hills in first gear! In the end we made it. I've had this image in my head for years now and I've always been unsure as to whether it was a memory of a place or somewhere I dreamt up. As soon as we entered the Gorge I knew this was the place I had been thinking of for so long and it instantly became my new favourite place. Ebbor is so natural and untouched, so close to people and villages and yet it seems a million miles from it. I visit Cheddar Gorge a lot and, although it is spectacular and I doubt there is another place like it in the UK, it is far more touristy and a lot harder to get away from the hustle and bustle.

We decided to take the main 'red' clifftop route, so we could explore the gorge as well as wander through the woodland. This walk took about an hour, however, ours took about two as we kept wandering off the path to explore caves!

The whole gorge is absolutely magical. I felt although I had stepped into something from a fairy tale or The Hobbit! 
At the base of the gorge there is a small, pretty stream which we couldn't help but mess around in! I feel so fortunate to have a boyfriend who is like minded. We both can't resist exploring places off the path or sticking our noses into everything.

Following further along the path brings you to the ascent up on top of the gorge itself. It was quite hard work (considering I hadn't quite recovered from several shifts running around at work) but so worth while!

Finally, just as the sun was beginning to set we reached the top of the gorge. The view was spectacular. We really do live in the prettiest place but sometimes you're just so busy with other things to realise it.

After sitting and enjoying the view, the sunset and one another's company, we headed back to the car to get some 'special drinks' (raspberry and ginger for me!) and make some yummy food, but not before leaving a walking stick behind for the next visitors.

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