Wednesday 1 January 2014

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Iceland

So another new year is here and I can't quite believe a whole year has passed since the last one.
Tonight we went to see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty after spending a lazy day doing a lot of nothing due to the horrible weather. This movie was incredible. I spent the majority of the film on the verge of tears, perhaps because of how heart warming it is, how beautiful, or maybe because I can relate to Walter. 

We've been looking at buying a house come April time and although I am really excited about this it has also made me realise that things will be a lot harder to do. It will be a lot harder to travel, to change jobs, to go to college etc. I guess it comes with being an adult and having responsibility. Even in my job I've been only too aware of the fact that I can have a max of three weeks off work at a time as long as it's 'once in a lifetime'. It's the big, 'adult' things that make you realise how much you want to be carefree and be able to up and go whenever the mood takes you, to see the most remarkable things and have life changing experiences. 
After the movie, Alex and I discussed travelling and I said how much I wanted to see the world before I'm in a position where doing so isn't an option. As a result, we are looking into visiting Iceland in May/June time. We have both wanted to visit Iceland for a long time so I'm really hoping we can go. We're planning on renting a car and seeing as much of the country as we can. And although we haven't decided 100% we were thinking of making it a bit of an 'adventure' holiday where we only book a hotel for the first night or two and then just see where the road takes us (if it's just to the side of the road then so be it!). The closest I have been to an 'adventure' holiday is camping in Cornwall with a non-existent tent pole, and we were only just saved by the fact that a Tesco was open nearby!